Invitation to Participate:

If you want your story read on the Janet Tarantino YouTube channel or included in one of Janet’s future books, don't hesitate to contact her with the details at or complete the information on this page.


Do not use other people's names; instead, describe them based on the relationship in your life. For example: Mom, Dad, Brother, etc.

This invite Includes stories about near-death experiences (NDEs), spiritually transformative experiences (STEs), near-death-like experiences (NDELs), shared death experiences (SDEs), heavenly communique, dream visions, and more. Don’t know where your story fits? Write her.

We, as experiencers, desire to give hope that life continues into the afterlife. This provides peace of mind to the elderly, the grieving, and the general public.

After her own experiences and having studied spiritually transformative experiences for over fifteen years, Janet has discovered part of the healing process is sharing the hard-to-explain encounter with the world.

Often, experiencers are given a message to write a book to share their experience directly from the Divine. This was the case for Janet. Others are left with a subtle desire or wish to share but have no avenue to pursue. This creates a weight to their psyche until the needed relief is found.

Janet Tarantino’s study and those participating may offer the relief some seek. It’s interesting to note many of the experiencers who have taken part in her research have indeed indicated the weight they have carried for not sharing their story has lifted, and many have authorized the use of their account in a book that will give comfort and peace to others.

Again, for those who would like to help, please send a brief accounting of the experience to her email,, or supply your story in the form above. If your story is very detailed and you prefer to talk to Janet, please supply the information above.

All messages will receive a reply, and an interview will be scheduled. (No message will be viewable on this website.) These stories are kept strictly confidential unless authorization is given to share them. Authorization forms must be completed for their use.

Note: Only first names are used when sharing the spiritual stories, and alternate names are acceptable.

Janet looks forward to hearing from you.

Author of Dying to See-Revelations About God, Jesus, Our Pathways, And The Nature Of The Soul